another horror first person game developed by monolith and published by warner brothers is here. and it has a titled that projects the game itself. FEAR 2 :Project Origin. this game will be heading out for the xbox 360, and for the ps3 console. microsoft windows will also have a copy itself of the game.
FEAR 2 : Project Origin, is a sequel to Fear: first encounter assault recon, this game has all the elements of action, from slow motions, to martial arts combat, and massive weaponry, more than the previous fear installation had ot offer. this game still revolves around the phenomenal girl ALMA. as micheal bicket. your job is to finish of everything she pulls out. with alot of levels to conquer, i surely say you will be having alot of time wasted on this Fear 2 : project origin. this time you will be finding out the reason of alma's rage.
i dont have the cheats, tips, and the walkthrough guys. its still bound to be released this march 2009. so when i get a hold of the cheats, walkthrough and the tips for the game, then i will surely let you guys see. anyway, i will be posting a video of the trailer later tonight. so just hang on.